
Value Chain Generator® (VCG)

Value Chain Generator® is a smart data platform to transform agri-food residuals into profitable green business. We harness advanced data analytics and the proprietary BioLink® algorithm to optimise entire supply networks for profitability and climate impact by turning underutilised organic residuals into profitable circular economy business models. 

We are experts in the field of circular economy and can, with the help of Value Chain Generator, find solutions for all industries operating with organic residuals. The platform helps us tap into the potential of waste by offering more than 400 mapped circular value chains and more than 250 clean tech providers.  


Benefits for the applicants:  

  • You will get a free 30-minute consultation call where we will discuss possible solutions adapted to your needs. 
  • A clear visual presentation of potential circular value chains that you can participate in will be presented to you.  
  • Our vast network of experts can assist you with any of your sustainability issues.  
  • You will get a clear picture of potential projects you can develop in the Innovation Express Call.
Value Chain Generator Explainer Video

Book a free 30-minute meeting with the Value Chain Generator team and explore your possibilities in the circular economy.

Please fill out a short form for us to obtain the needed information to assist you the best during the consultation call.
Please tell us which areas of sustainability are you interested in?

Sustainability Assessment Tool (SAT)

The Sustainability Assessment Tool (SAT) developed within the INNOBIOVC project aims to provide applicants that already have defined their project and the value chain in which to operate with an instrument to improve the sustainability of their project from an environmental, economic and social perspective. The SAT is based on a comparison between the innovative product and a benchmark product that is already on the market, resulting in the identification of hotspots that can be improved.  

Currently, the SAT is available for the value chains targeting the following bio-based products: 

  • Lactic acid 
  • Succinic acid 
  • Glycerol 
  • Polymers (mainly PLA) 
  • Aminoacids (mainly lysine and glutamate) 

Benefits of the SAT for the companies using it: 

  • Comprehensive Sustainability Evaluation: The SAT offers a holistic assessment of bio-based processes or products, covering environmental, social, and economic dimensions. This comprehensive evaluation provides companies with a clear understanding of their sustainability performance. 
  • Benchmarking for Improvement: By comparing against established benchmarks in the industry, the SAT helps companies identify areas for improvement and best practices. This benchmarking feature guides companies toward industry standards, allowing them to enhance their sustainability practices and identify hotspots in the process. 
  • Strategic Decision-Making: The tool provides a structured approach to decision-making through Multi-Criteria Decision Making Analysis (MCDMA). With visual representations and an overall performance score, companies can make informed and strategic decisions to improve their sustainability across the entire value chain. 

SAT Tool

SAT Tool instructions

Matchmaking Tool

The Matchmaking Tool is used at our “Information & Matchmaking Events”, scheduled on 11th April, 16th May, 12th June and 26th June. At these dates you can participate in bilateral one-on-one meetings via video-chat with possible project partners and project ideas can be evaluated.

To do so please register upfront in the tool and provide your availabilities and preferred video-option. Please fill in your profile, find other contacts and request meetings. The BigBlueButton (BBB) web conferencing technology is used as standard for online meetings. Registration is necessary to gain a 30 min. meeting with the Value-Chain Generator team.


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