About the Call

INNOVATION EXPRESS CALL 2024 for Circular Bioeconomy Value Chains


Circular bioeconomy value chains development becomes more prevailing but is more challenging to support due to their cross-regional nature. Therefore, INNOBIOVC partners have prepared the INNOVATION EXPRESS CALL 2024 (IEC24) - a synchronized call that facilitates the development of transregional circular bioeconomy value chains. 


The Innovation Express Call 2024 represents a joint approach for supporting participants, especially SMEs, at international matchmaking and joint RDI projects in the fields of transregional circular bioeconomy value chains, key resources and sectors in agriculture, food and beverages, chemistry, polymers and energy. The funding instrument aims at facilitating cross-sector collaboration, the development of innovative solutions in two given thematic fields for projects by developing transregional linkages among SMEs, research institutions and other business organizations. Innovation Express Call 2024 is a joint call for proposals implemented within the frame of the INNOBIOVC project by synchronizing existing regional funding schemes in the Alpine Space and beyond. 

Synchronizing of existing regional funding programmes under the IEC24 means: 

  • Regions participate with their own, existing regional funding programmes. 
  • Participating regions remain in full control of their administrative procedures, financial management of the call as well as the decision-making process. 
  • Funding and eligibility rules apply according to the regional funding programme of the applicant’s regions. 
  • Applications will be evaluated based on their potential to create benefits for participating applicants, to contribute to the competitiveness of the regional economy and in accordance with the criteria from the respective regional/national funding programmes.  

In order to facilitate the transregional joint projects, a free 30-minutes meeting with the Value Chain Generator (VCG.AI) team can be booked to explore project possibilities in the circular economy. (Virtual) project development meetings and matchmakings will be organized as workshops with a targeted approach to find suitable cooperation partners.   Watch out for current dates at INNOBIOVC website and the EVENT section at IEC24.info or ask the IEC24 Coordination Office for current dates!



The funding call aims to support innovative collaborative projects within the domain of circular bioeconomy, fostering sustainable practices that contribute to environmental conservation, economic growth, and social well-being.  
The Innovation Express Call 2024 supports the following thematic fields: 


1) Application and development of technology for implementing and upscaling bio-based solutions: 

Supporting projects that leverage advanced technologies. Emphasis on upscaling side and waste streams, turning them into valuable resources and contributing to a more sustainable and circular economy. Proposals could include the up-scaling of waste-to-resource technologies, for example fermentation technologies, biorefineries and bio-polymerisation. Proposals should focus on advancing innovations, technologies, and strategies that contribute to the following thematic areas: 

a) Circular Production  

  • Optimising production processes and increasing resource efficiency through establishing cross-sector value chains 
  • Developing and implementing waste-to-resource technologies (e.g. biomass conversion technologies) for side and waste stream valorisation and up-scaling 

b) Bio-Based Materials and Products 

  • Development of bio-based materials as alternatives to conventional plastics and chemicals  

2) New Solutions for Climate Protection and Decarbonisation of Supply Chains 

In this thematic field, the funding programme aims to stimulate new solutions for increased sustainability and decarbonisation of supply chains. These models are designed to enhance collaboration and to be implemented along different stages of the supply value chains. The emphasis is on creating synergies among diverse stakeholders, such as manufacturers, distributors and primary producers along different industry sectors. Key areas of interest include developing new or optimizing existing supply chains. 

a) Sustainable Supply Chains  

  • Optimising and adapting cross-regional logistics and transportation processes in supply chains  
  • Development of cross-sectoral circular supply chain models through innovative logistics solutions, digital platforms or collaborative networks or enhancing resilience and risk mitigation within the value chains 

b) Decarbonized Supply Chains 

  • Decarbonisation of cross-sectoral supply chains through application of circularity principles, e.g. integration of renewable energy sources into supply chain operations, closed-loop supply systems (e.g. waste management) 



Projects should align with the principles of circularity, emphasizing the efficient use of resources, waste reduction, and the creation of value-added products. Further, the call emphasizes creation of innovative collaborations among stakeholders from different sectors, such as food and beverages, agriculture, energy, chemistry, and polymers to jointly push cross sectoral and transregional circular bioeconomy in Europe. The call encourages applications aiming at advanced Technology Readiness Levels (TRL).
Innovation Express Call 2024 funding partners (funding programmes) support proposals submitted by a pre-defined group of stakeholders (SME, research organizations or centres, large companies, technology providers, universities etc.) located in their geographical area and addressing an exchange activity across borders. A broad variety of innovation activities (according to the regional funding programmes) are supported, as well as many different stages of collaboration. The proposed activities must include the participation of partners from at least 2 different partner regions.  



To be eligible for funding, the applicants must be located within the below listed participating regions – Funding and eligibility rules apply according to the regional funding programme of the applicant’s regions. Participating regions and funding partners: 

AT: Salzburg
Funding partner: Regional Government Office of Land Salzburg, Department Economy, Tourism and Municipalities  

AT: Upper Austria
Funding partner: Regional Government Office of Upper Austria, Directorate for Regional Planning, Economic and Rural Development Department of Economics and Research 

CH: Canton Fribourg
Funding partner: School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg and Confederation and Canton of Fribourg 

DE: Bavaria
Funding partner: Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy 

DE: Brandenburg
Funding partner: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy State of Brandenburg (MWAE) 


Type of eligible applicants: 

  • Innovation Express Call 2024 targets SMEs, research organizations, technology providers, large companies, universities, research centres, etc.  
  • Eligible applicants are located within a geographical area where an Innovation Express Call 2024 funding partner is present (see funding partners above).  
  • Proposals must be submitted by the legal representative of the applicant in accordance with the rules of the respective funding partners.  

Further eligibility criteria:  

  • The applicant is a legal entity. Such can be companies in the commercial sector, that have their registered office, a branch or an operating facility in the funding partner’s geographical area as well as non-profit non-university research institutions as well as universities and higher education institutions based in the funding partner’s geographical area.  
  • The partner(s) of the applicant and he himself have to be located with a registered office, a branch or an operating facility in a geographical area where an Innovation Express Call 2024 funding partner is present.  
  • Proposed activities must include the participation of partners from at least 2 different partner regions.  
  • Due to the funding programmes of the participating regions, it is strongly recommended to include at least one SME in the proposal.  
  • Other eligibility criteria may be defined according to the applicant’s regional funding programme – check related funding conditions.  



The call is open from March 31 July 2024. - Extension of the call until August 31, 2024!

  • Proposals must be in line with the supported innovation activities and other guidelines outlined by the responsible funding agency in the applicant’s geographical area (to be found on the funding agencys own website - partners table). It is required that applicants contact their local Innovation Express Call 2024 contact person (funding programmes) to inform themselves about funding conditions.  
  • Each applicant must send his/her application separately according to requirements outlined according to the funding programme applicable in the geographical area of the applicant.  
  • Each consortium must complete the IEC24 joint application summary form in English (downloads)  
  • Participating regions remain in full control of their administrative procedures, financial management of the call as well as the decision-making process. 
  • Applications will be evaluated based on their potential to create benefits for participating applicants, to contribute to the competitiveness of the regional economy and in accordance with the criteria from the respective regional/national funding programmes. 
  • All general and usual funding rules of the participating national/regional funding programmes apply. Funding decisions will be made by the regional/national funding agencies involved.  


In addition to the requirements of the funding programme of the applicant’s geography, all proposals are expected to provide:

  • Clarity and relevance of the content of the transregional cooperation activities (see IEC24 joint application summary form (downloads).  
  • Added value and benefits for the partners and regions involved.  
  • Identified clear outputs/deliverables or expected results.  
  • All submitted proposals will be registered in a common database and distributed to the relevant funding agency.  



All application related data processed within the scope of the statutory obligations will only be passed on if the transfer is legally permissible or if the applicants have consented to the transfer. Such recipients may be:  

  • other parties involved in the Innovation Express Call 2024,  
  • public authorities, e.g. the State Audit Office and its audit offices, the European Commission, etc.  
  • if applicable, order processors used by us, Art. 28 DSGVO, in particular in the areas of IT and telecommunications services,  
  • printing services as well as archiving and waste disposal,  
  • external service providers, e.g. auditors.  


IEC24 Coordination Office 

  • INNOBIOVC organizes several (virtual) events to introduce the call, to facilitate matchmaking of potential applicants and facilitate project development.  
  • INNOBIOVC provides the IEC24 coordination office. It is operated in cooperation of Business Upper Austria (PP) and WFG Heilbronn (PL). 
  • The coordination office promotes the IEC24, gives information to interested applicants, manages the IEC24 website, arrange adjustment meetings with programme owners, collects the joint application summary form. 
  • Contact person: Iris Reingruber/Business Upper Austria is available for questions and as main link to experts. iris.reingruber@biz-up.at 


Further information